Gain Better Health Series: Introduction part 1

If you would like to learn how to take better control of your health, feel better, increase your energy, and build a better immune system, this is a series you wont want to miss. This will be a multi part series that will teach you a different way to look at your diet, how to change how you are eating, and help you gain a different perspective. Please join my mailing list to keep up to date when each new part of the series comes out.
My name is JaNae. I am a mother of 7 children. I began researching using herbs and making healthier choices when I was pregnant with my daughter 32 years ago. I was introduced to a breast feeding support group and attended some meetings. It was there that I began hearing about herbs and they had a lending library of herbal books. The first herbal book I read was “Back to Eden” by Jethro Kloss.
I felt like a whole new world opened up to me. I grew up in a family that didn’t eat very well and was DEPENDENT on doctors would go to the doctor for every little sniffle and got antibiotics. I learned through reading that very first book that you CAN take control of your health by:
- Incorporating a Healthy diet which can help prevent many ailments
- You can improve and strengthen your immune system
- Using herbs and other naturopathic means which in many cases treats the problems not just the symptoms
Over the years I have read many books on healthy eating, herbal cures, raw foods, raising your own food, and many other “alternative” health related areas. I started incorporating herbs almost 30 years ago but didn’t really look at my every day consumption of foods and additives, nor did I really examine the chemicals I used in the home until years later.
After the birth of my 5th child, I got a birth control shot that caused very serious problems and I felt as if I was having mini strokes for about 2 years. I realized after being desperate and seeking medical help and not getting the help I needed, that the best thing for me to do was a radical detox of my body.
I began researching raw foods and detoxification and found a Nutrition Therapist who wrote a book with a medical doctor. I hired her to help me to detoxify and remove the harmful substances in my body that was causing me severe issues. It took months to go through this process. I ate mainly raw foods for months with some days all raw foods. I cut out everything processed along with meats, and dairy. I also juiced and did colon cleansing.
After months of the initial raw diet, I did a 21 day juice fast to really pull out the toxins. I found that many strange smells were coming out of my body which really shocked me but that is what happens when you really “Clean” out your system.
After several months I really began to feel better. My symptoms were disappearing and I felt incredible. After doing this for myself, I realized so many more people are sick and miserable and are not getting help to “fix” the problems but are going to doctors and getting prescriptions for drugs to “treat” the symptoms while causing additional problems because of the side effects of the drugs.
I took an online “Raw Food” training course to learn more about the health benefits as well as detoxification so that I could help others and received my “Certified Raw Nutrition Specialist” certification in the hopes to someday use it to help others.
My goal is to educate people and open their eyes and teach them that:
- You can and should take control of your health
- You can prevent and reverse many health issues
- You can learn to make healthier lifestyle changes that will affect your health and well being
- You can feel great and improve your life
I am so thankful of all that I have learned over the years and I have made many changes to our life because of it. I am glad that we don’t need to run to the doctors for every little issue because our family is much healthier than the average person and our immune systems are stronger. I am so glad to have learned about herbal ways as well as adopting healthy eating and lifestyle, which is a healthier alternative to using man-made drugs that cause side effects and are mainly made to treat “symptoms” and not created to solve the underlying issues.
I am glad that I made choices to take control of my health and not rely on doctors who are human and can make mistakes like everyone else does. I am glad I learned about raw foods and detoxification and I am so glad it helped me get over my health issues. I shudder to think where my state of health would be right now if I had NOT taken control and made a radical choice to detox through raw foods.
My hope is that I can help others learn more natural healthier alternatives so that they can lead healthier more peaceful lives.
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